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DELoS Dottorato di Ricerca Development Economics and Local Systems


The PhD Program in Development Economics and Local Systems (DELoS) is a new doctoral program launched in academic year 2020-21 by the University of Florence focusing on development economics and local development.


From the content viewpoint, the focus is on the analysis of complex socio-economic systems at micro, meso and macro levels. From the methodological viewpoint, the methods are based on applied quantitative and qualitative research tools with emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches spanning economics, political economy, econometrics, statistics, and management.


DELoS aims at preparing applied economists to be employed in universities, research centers, international organizations and governmental and non-governmental organizations. DELoS graduates will be alble to carry out research, consultancy and teaching (higher education) on development and local development.


The program activities are supported by the Department of Economics and Management (DISEI) of the University of Florence although the Faculty comprises also professors from other Italian and international universities.


The PhD program includes two curricula: "Development Economics" and "Local Systems".


last update: 03-June-2020
Unifi Home Page Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa - DISEI

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