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DELoS Dottorato di Ricerca Development Economics and Local Systems

Courses List

DELoS courses will be held throughout the first year. They are organized in three terms, each of them comprising 6 weeks of courses and two weeks of exams:

- the first term (Nov-Dec) focuses on levelling the playing field providing (i) a refresh of micro, macro, statistics and econometrics basics, (ii) some topics in micro, macro and econometrics, and (iii) an introduction to research methods in social sciences;

- the second term (Jan-Feb) focuses on (i) research methods relevant for the two curricula and (ii) some topics in development economics and local systems;

- the third term (Mar-May) focuses on advanced research topics in development economics and local systems.

The course list is as follows (37 cycle): 

  • First term


 Courses  Instructor(s)  Curriculum
Analysis of poverty and inequality Renato Paniccià DEV
Econometrics 1 Leonardo Grilli DEV, LOC
Development Macroeconomics Marco Missaglia DEV
Ecosystem and Innovation Silvia Rita Sedita LOC
Insitutional Economics Ermanno Celeste Tortia LOC
Mathematical Methods of Economic Growth Gianluca Iannucci DEV
Microeconomic Data for Empirical   Research Romano, Carraro, Ciani, Scognamillo, Tiberti DEV
Strategic Management and Business Tommaso Pucci LOC


  • Second term


 Courses  Instructor(s)  Curriculum
Analysis of inequality  Bruno Martorano  DEV
Analysis of poverty and inequality alleviation policies  Luca Tiberti DEV
Behavioral Economics  Chiara Rapallini DEV
Development and Environment  Angelo Antoci, Simone   Borghese, Elisa Ticci DEV
Econometrics 2  Fabrizio Cipollini DEV, LOC
Economics of malnutrition  Donato Romano,   N. Mittal DEV
Economy-wide Models for Policy Analysis  Donato Romano,   Benedetto Rocchi,   Emanuele Ferrari DEV
International Business and Entrepreneurship  Simone Guercini LOC
Local industrial Development  Marco Bellandi,   Annalisa Caloffi LOC
New paths of local developments and cultural creativity  Luciana Lazzeretti LOC
Poverty Traps, Vulnerability and Resilience  Donato Romano,   Pierluigi Montalbano,  DEV
Quality Market Research  Silvia Ranfagni DEV, LOC
Social network analysis  Francesco Capone DEV, LOC
Spatial Analysis and GIS Lab  Filippo Randelli,   Federico Martellozzo DEV, LOC
Trade and poverty  Pierluigi Montalbano DEV
  • Third term


 Courses  Instructor(s)  Curriculum

 Agriculture in economic development

 Donato Romano  DEV

Applied Natural Language Processing in Social Science

 Matteo Devigili LOC
 Cultural norms in economic development  Sylvain Dessy DEV
 Economics of Corruption  Emma Galli DEV
Empirical analysis of vulnerability  Marco Letta DEV
 Global value chains  Giorgia Giovannetti DEV
 Innovation policies  Annalisa Caloffi LOC
 International Financial Economics  Giulio Cifarelli DEV
 Local development in LDCs  Mario Biggeri DEV/LOC
 Machine Learning for Begginers  Rafael Boix  LOC
Population studies in low and high income countries: concepts, theories and methodological approaches  Elena Pirani, Valentina   Tocchioni DEV
Topic Course on Computational Economics  Giorgio Ricchiuti DEV



last update: 21-June-2022
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