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DELoS Dottorato di Ricerca Development Economics and Local Systems

Doctor Europaeus

The additional label of Doctor Europaeus may be awarded to those PhD Students who fulfil the prerequisites proposed by the European University Association as follows:

  • the doctoral thesis defence will be accorded if at least two professors from two higher education institutions of two European countries, other than the one where the doctoral thesis will be defended, have given their positive judgement concerning the manuscript;
  • at least one member of the Examination Committee should come from a higher education institution in European countries, other than the one, where the doctoral thesis will be defended;
  • part of the defence must take place in one of the official languages, other than the one(s) of the country where the doctoral thesis will be defended;
  • the doctoral thesis must partly have been prepared as a result of a period of research of at least one trimester spent in another European country.


PhD Students interested in obtaining Doctor Europaeus should send a request to the Program Committee.

last update: 07-May-2020
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